I have/had the privilege of advising the following researchers (in alphabetical order):
- Haoyang Gui (PhD, ongoing): Computational Techniques for Social Media Influencers
- Abderrahmane Issam (PhD, ongoing): Low-resource Neural Machine Translation for non-native speakers
- Antoine Louis (PhD, ongoing): Using NLP to bridge the gap between citizens and the law
- Pawel Maka (PhD, ongoing): Context-aware Neural Machine Translation
- Mado Ntekouli (PhD, ongoing): Network Science of Psychopathology
- Vageesh Saxena (PhD, ongoing): AI and Cybercrime (identifying criminal activities on the Internet)
- Samyak Sheth (PhD, ongoing): Access to legal information for laypeople
- Lucas G. Uberti-Bona Marin (PhD, ongoing): Computational techniques to mitigate risks from AI deployment
- Constanta Rosca (PhD, 2019-2024): Digital Arms for Consumer Harms: Mapping Legal and Technical Solutions for Dark Patterns in EU Consumer Law (e-book)
- Kirill Tumanov (PostDoc, 2020-2021): Combating Childhood Obesity
I had the opportunity to (co)supervise and work with several students on their thesis/internship projects, several of which have led to publications:
- Alexei Rosca: "Low-Resource Machine Translation For Moroccan Arabic" (ongoing)
- Chloe Chrombach : "Comparing Methods of Summarization and Evaluation using Dutch Legal Cases data" (ongoing)
- Bas Görritzer : "Sequence Shortening For Autoregressive Language Modelling (ongoing
- Abdulmuizz Abdulrazzak Khalak: "Identifying factual, legal reasoning and outcome similiarties in legal cases" (ongoing)
- Amirhossein Jazayeri (MSc): "Clustering and Co-clustering of Multivariate Time-series based on Complex Networks" (2024)
- Yuyang Li (MSc): "Investigating conversational AI frameworks for enhanced real-time flight information" (2024)
- Elza Strada (BSc): "Dutch CrowS-pairs: Extending a challenge dataset for measuring social bias in language models" (2024)
- Vitalijs Tickovs (BSc): "Describing The Language Of Hidden Adverting On Social Media" (2024)
- Shireen Aynetchi (BSc): "Designing an Evaluation Framework for assessing answer quality in Large Language Models" (2024)
- Lukas Uberti-Bona Marin (Internship @ FPN, UM): "Beat-The-Binge: Predictive modeling for binge moments based on EMA data" (2024)
- Georgios Koutidis (joint s/v with Mado Ntekouli, MSc): "Application Of Graph Neural Networks On Multi-Variate Time Series Forecasting" (2024)
- Daniel Röder (MSc): "Towards Dynamic Knowledge Grounding for generative Language Models" (2024)
- Arthur Vieillevoye (Internship @ TKH Airport Solutions) : "Identifying factors that affect the dynamic characteristics of an airport" (2024)
- Aaaron Schapira (Internship @ Deloitte): "Absenteeism Analysis and Prediction" (2024)
- Darong de Groot (MSc): "Multi-task Multi-modal Product Attribute Prediction in E-commerce" (2023)
- Justus-Jonas Erker (MSc): "Self-Regulation through Imaginary Conversations in Many Worlds" (2023)
- Theodoros Giannilias (MSc): "MORS: Multi-Output Regression System for Analyzing Airline Customer Satisfcation: A study on Skytrax" (2023)
- Gianluca Vico (MSc): "Larth: Dataset and NLP techniques for Etruscan language" (2023)
- Mohammad Fayazi (BSc): "Assessing Social Media Communication Strategies Of Airlines" (2023)
- Dumitru Versebeniuc (BSc): "Model-Based Clustering Multivariate Ema Time-Series Data" (2023)
- Arun Gade (Internship @ Law & Tech Lab): "Statutory Article Retrieval Dutch Dataset in Law-domain" (2023)
- Lena Cabrera Perez (joint s/v with Jan Niehues): "Gender Bias In Multilingual Machine Translation" (2023)
- Luc Meels (Internship @ Mediaan): "Active learning in NLP classification problems" (2022)
- Justus-Jonas Erker (Internship @ DFKI): "Imagination is All You Need! Curved Contrastive Learning for Abstract Sequence Modeling Utilized on Long Short-Term Dialogue Planning" (2022)
- Nikiforos Tsiakiris (MSc): "Assisting the early detection of problem gambling using NLP techniques" (2022)
- Francesca Battipaglia (MSc): "Investigating the factors of influencer for topic models: documents representation, context and human feedback" (2022)
- Rick van Bellen (MSc): "Explainable Detection of Undisclosed Partnerships in Multi-modal Social Media Posts" (2022)
- Shashank Subramanya (MSc): "Multilingual Topic Modeling" (2022)
- Tim Debets (MSc, joint s/v with Jan Niehues): "Multidomain Story Generation using pre-trained LMs" (2022)
- Bas Marco Göritzer (BSc): "Battle of the Keyword Spotters: Comparing various approaches" (2022)
- Alexei Rosca (BSc): "Diving deeper: A comparison of deep learning and linear methods on time series data (2022)
- Lavinia Pulcinella (MSc, joint s/v with Matúš Mihalák): "Recommender Systems In Telco – A Graph Representation Learning Approach" (2022)
- Theodoros Giannilias (Internship @ GrAIMatterlabs): "Structure pruning, skip convolutions and learning to quantization in Neural Networks" (2022)
- Katharina Erbach (MSc): "Semi-Supervised Stance And Sentiment Detection On Crawled EU Twitter Data" (2022)
- Arthur Haas (Internship @ adSoul): "Transforming lists of named entities to graph representations" (2022)
- Pranav Bapat (MSc): "Toxicity Detection: Does Context Really Matter?" (2022)
- Ana Victoria Ladeira (MSc): "A Bayesian Recommender System for Content Supporting the Formation of Healthy Habit" (2021)
- Charatsaris Georgios (MSc): "Efficient Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis with Application to Airline Reviews" (2021)
- Valentin Maican (BSc): "Automatic classification of binge eating thoughts" (2021)
- Roman Nekrasov (BSc): "Exploring the characteristics of Dark Web Data Markets" (2021)
- Csongor Kocsis (BSc): "Forecasting the European Air Network Evolution" (2021)
- Fred Bedetse (BSc): "Detecting business models of social media influencers" (2021)
- Pietro Piccini (BSc): "Identifying strong predictors of engagement in Facebook news posts" (2021)
- Jan-Felix de Man (BSc): "On the Evaluation of Music Generation Algorithms Using Music Theory" (2021)
- Vladislav Kolev (BSc): "Emotion Classification with Pre-Trained RoBERTa Model for Fake News" (2021)
- Walter Simoncini (BSc): "On Adversarial Attacks For Named Entity Recognition" (2021)
- Marcell Ignéczi (MSc, joint s/v with Gerhard Weiss): "Creating a trust measure for social media mining for brand perception analysis" (2021)
- Katharina Erbach (Research Internship, joint s/v with Gijs van Dijck): "Structuring European Case Law Judgements" (2021)
- George Charatsaris (Research Internship): "Investigating topic models over time on different corpora" (2021)
- Pieter Schaap (MSc): "Language Aware Neural Text Classifier" (2021)
- Bogdan Covrig (BSc graduating project Saxxion (external)): "Revealing Dark Patterns on Commercial Websites in the EU" (2021)
- Attila Herbert (Internship @ neurocat): "Neural Network Robustness and Adversarial Attacks" (2021)
- Diego Watanabe Ruiz (Internship @ Viqtor Davis): "Creating collections, indexing, annotating, analyzing and visualizing document in a business context" (2021)
- Maxine Hanrieder (MSc, joint s/v with Cameron Browne): "Adapting Focused Crawling to Dark Web Marketplaces based on Vendor Popularity" (2020)
- Błażej Dolicki (BSc): "Analysing The Impact Of Linguistic Features On Cross-Lingual Transfer" (2020)
- Rodrigo Alejandro Chávez Mulsa (BSc): "Evaluating Bias In Dutch Word Embeddings" (2020)
- Thalea Schlender (BSc): "‘Christian is to judgemental, as Muslim is to terrorist’: An Evaluation of Multiclass Debiasing Methods on Word Embeddings" (2020)
- Sarah Waseem (BSc): "Investigating Topic Models For Scientific Publications Using Word Embeddings" (2020)
- Kostya Smirnov (BSc, joint s/v with Gerhard Weiss):"Early detection of fake news on Twitter by analysing propagation structures" (2020)
- Danni Liu (MSc, joint s/v with Jan Niehues): "Low-Latency End-to-End Speech Recognition with Enhanced Readability" (2020)
- Maxine Hanrieder (Internship @ Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, joint s/v with Jan Niehues): "CounterBot: A Conversational Agent to Detect and Address Hate Speech on Twitter" (2020)
- Josephine Rutten (Msc): “Convolutional Neural Networks for Sentence Classification in Dutch Language” (2019)
- Danni Liu (Internship @ Nuance): "NLP algorithms for building healthcare solutions" (2019)
- Pieter Schaap (Internship @ Mercedes): “Automatically generating FAQs” (2019)
- Isabel Pereira Fernandez (BSc): "Investigating the Impact of Topic Modelling Techniques on Answer Suggestion Models" (2019)
- Xi Chen (MSc): "Assessing the influence of Word Embedding and Architecture on Sentence Representation" (2019)
- Adam Vandor (MSc): "Generative Adversarial Networks For Harmony Aware Music Composition" (2019)
- Cedric Oeldorf (MSc): "Conditional Style-Based Logo Generation with Generative Adversarial Networks" (2019)
- Sebstian Drenckberg (MSc): "Automatic Tracking Of Files Within The Research Data Life Cycle Based On File Properties And Change Histories" (2019)
- Marion Meyers (BSc, joint s/v with Gerhard Weiss): "How Do Fake Facts Propogate On Social Media Compared To Fact-Checked Information?" (2019)
- Chinmay Dhawan (Internship @ HousingAnywhere): “Recommendation System for housing” (2019)
- Adam Vandor (Research Internship): “Classification of artistic compositions” (Infinity Games project, 2019)
- Giona Paolini (BSc): “Fuzzy QA System With Recurrent Neural Networks” (2018)
- Xavier Weber (BSc): “Extraction of semantic structure on deformed documents via fully convolutional neural networks” (2018)
- Redencio Jozefzoon (MSc): “Modelling Career Path For Professional Basketball Players” (2018)
- Sidney Radcliffe (MSc, joint s/v with Kurt Driessens): "Forecasting Daily Revenues for a Cafe Chain" (2018)
- Florian Krebs (MSc): “Embedding Of Categorical Variables In An Online Learning Context" (2018)
- Richard Polzin (MSc): “Rule Extraction for Pen-and-Paper Role-Playing Games” (2018)
- Jade Cock (BSc): “Bubble: An Oversampling Technique artificially generating Instances" (2018)
- Iulia Feroli (BSc): “Topic Extraction And Tracking: Analyzing And Visualizing The Evolution Of News Stories Over Time” (2018)
- Anik Jacobsen (BSc): “It's a Match! Reciprocal Recommender System for Graduating Students and Jobs” (2018)
- Wouter Leeftink (BSc): “Towards Controlled Transformation of Sentiment in Sentences” (2018)
- Matteo Maggiolo (BSc): “A Deep Learning model for Univariate and Multivariate Time Series Prediction” (2018)
- Ajkel Mino (BSc): “LoGAN: Generating Logos with a Generative Adversarial Neural Network conditioned on colour” (2018)
- Raffaele Piccini (BSc): “Using Hierarchical Encoder-Decoder Neural Network models for a context-aware dialogue system” (2018)
- Jose Velasquez Sosa (BSc): “Neural Attention and Morphological Word Embedding for Contract Element Extraction” (2018)
- Dominika Celina Woszczyk (BSc): “MaaSim: A liveability simulation for the city of Maastricht” (2018)
- Oskar Person (Internship @ APG GroeiFabriek) "Sentiment Analysis and Network Discovery" (2018)
- Praveen Sam (Internship @ APG GroeiFabriek) "Sentiment Analysis with Convolutional Neural Networks" (2018)
- Dominik Nerger (Internship @ PEM RWTH-Aachen ) "End-to-End Driving with convolutional neural networks in a simulated environment" (2018)
- Redencio Osewa-Jozefzoon (Internship @ NN) "Automating communication process between companies/clients using machine learning" (2018)
- Tom Moka-Petersen (BSc) "Multilingual mathematical text processing with deep learning techniques" (2018)
- Stefan Selzer (MSc) "Towards a similarity measurement to identify storylines in latent topics" (2018)
- David Natarajan (BSc) “Storyline analysis based on news items topics” (2018)
- Joeri Hermans (joint sv with Rico Moeckel, MSc): “On Scalable Deep Learning and Parallelizing Gradient Descent algorithm” (2017)
- Darius Schneider (joint sv with Mena Habib, MSc): “Enriching Tweet Normalization with Neural Word Embeddings” (2017)
- Maarten Weber (joint sv with Kurt Driessens, MSc): “Application of Recurrent Neural Networks on Call Center Data” (2017)
- Paul Disbeschl (BSc): “Alleviating congestion at airports through auctions and dynamic pricing” (2017)
- Andreea Iana (BSc): “Building a course recommender system based on competences” (2017)
- Tom Rolandus Hagedoorn (BSc): “MOOC profiling for dropout prediction” (2017)
- Alexander Bartl (MSc): "Simulating Conversation in a Dialogue System by utilizing Recurrent Neural Network Models" (2017)
- Fatimah Mulan Ahmed (MSc): "Analysis of european airline networks using community detection techniques" (2017)
- Marcell Ignéczi (BSc): "Community detection in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)" (2017)
- Moritz Schlichting (BSc): "Designing an auction for airport slot trading" (2016)
- Irme Groothuis (MSc): "Adaptive dropout in recurrent neural networks for language generation" (2016)
- Pieter Schaap (BSc): "Using deep learning to generate short text data" (2016)
- Nico Petrakis (MSc): "Market basket analysis using product networks" (2015)
- Philipp Glock (MSc): "Design and Evaluation of an SVM Framework for Scientific Data Applications" (2015)
- Renzo Poddighe (MSc): "Topic models for short text data" (2015)
- Christopher Wittlinger (MSc): "Investigating Flexible Deep Neural Network applied to Natural Language Processing" (2015)
- Nikos Papasarantopoulos & Georgios Theofilou: "Unsupervised entity relation extraction using a greek newspaper corpus" (2012)